To dial Italy, you need to dial <011> then the country code <39>, then the number.
Italy Cell Phone number: 39/334/3179618
Here is our itinerary.
May 6-11: Trapani Crystal Hotel Tel: 0923/20000
May 11-14: Palermo Hotel Principe di Villafranca Tel: 091/6118523
May 14-16: Agrigento Domus Aurea Tel: 0922/511500
May 16-21: Ragusa Mediterraneo Palace Tel: 0932/621944
May 21-23: Siracusa Hotel Roma Tel: 0931/465626
May 23-25: Taormina to be determined
May 25-27: Reggio di Calabria Staying with Giuseppe Aloi Tel: 348/3413591
May 27-June 1: Enroute to Rome
June 1-5: Rome Hotel Teatro di Pompeo Tel: 06/68300170