Goals of the Project: The Language Pages

It is an axiom of language learning that in order to speak a language, you must hear that language spoken; to learn two languages, you must hear them both. With the lifelong language learner in mind, we are putting together these pages of Languages Spoken and Heard in South Florida. Our goal is to document and celebrate the rich language resources of South Florida. We have taken the perspective of newcomers to the area who want to maintain their own bilingualism and nurture it in their children. What information will they need to find opportunities to HEAR their language and participate in ACTIVITIES THAT TAKE PLACE in the language? Our founding Webmaster, UM student Lisa Kukkamaa, used the Lake Worth Finnish community she grew up in and became bilingual in as a model. By clicking on the name of the language on our homepage, you will find a wealth of information about that language community: educational opportunities, media, food, festivals, and so forth. We list English, but have no link as it is found throughout the county. Other countries will appear one by one as we get the information about them. We hope you will enjoy them and become contributors.

Language Page


The information in these pages was provided by individuals with an interest in language and learning. It is all information in the public domain. NO ENDORSEMENT, IMPLIED OR EXPLICIT, IS INTENDED BY INCLUSION IN THESE PAGES. We are, of course, interested in making the pages as complete and accurate as possible. If you have any corrections or additions for us, please contact us through one of the media listed below.

If you would like to submit information for a new page or a language that we haven't gotten to yet, please contact us for that, too.


Barbara Pearson, Ph.D.

University of Miami Psychology Annex 221
5665 Ponce de Leon Blvd.
Coral Gables FL 33124
(305) 284-1760
(305) 284-4795 (fax)