Events & Interviews
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Raising a Bilingual Child
By Barbara Zurer Pearson, Ph.D.
Email me
Link for Winter '09 Amherst Language Lounges at the Toy Box, 201 N. Pleasant Street, Amherst
Jump to 2009 events |
September-October 2008 Issue, BZP Interview with Alice LaPuerta
(See also the cool review from the same issue--"If you are going to read only one book on multilingualism, we suggest that you let this be the one!")
Check it out a new blog,
Week of March 2, 2009 -- I'm the expert on 
Lots of features, lots of energy; lots of tips. |
Dinner on Us, Amherst Family Center
121 N. Pleasant Street, Amherst (lower level of Unitarian Church)
Laurie Davidson (of "Mucho Gusto") & Lissa Pierce Bonifaz & me
Monday Feb 9
5:45 pm- 6:45
(come early for dinner,
bring children under 5)
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RSVP to by Feb 10. |
Thursday Feb 19
10:30 am |
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Brooklyn Program / Wine and Cheese
for Bilingual Parents and Parents-to-be
coordinated by Angela Long (

Saturday March 7
4-5:30 pm
Playspace @
Christ Church Cobble Hill -
326 Clinton St (at Kane)
(small admission)
Event website:
download flyer (pdf)
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Visiting Researcher Program,
ESRC Centre for Research on Bilingualism
University of Wales Bangor
mid May
2009 |
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Office of Headstart
National Dual Language Institute: A Time for Action
Washington DC
Hilton Washington
October 28-30, 2008
"Promoting Language Development in
One Language or Two "
Barbara Zurer Pearson (UMA) & Rebecca Hoffman (USF)
Download Handout
Download Powerpoint |
INTERVIEWS. See airtime in red, when available |

Wednesday, April 23
11-Noon “The World, BBC/WGBH Boston ”—National NPR
Taped interview with Author
Studio Address: 318 Hampshire House
131 County Circle , Amherst , MA 01003
Studio #: 413-545-4471
Host: Patrick Cox
Boston , MA 02135 , USA
land: +1-617-300-2731
To appear as part of a "Language and Languages" series. Podcast. Short segment aired October 27. For the whole segment (permanent link).
Wednesday, April 30
9-9:30pm EST “Conversations”
(#1 Sunday AM show in WA, syndicated on 4 stations)
Contact: Lizz Sommars
2-2:30 pm KOIT-AM—Mr. Dad Syndicated/ Located in S. Francisco
“Positive Parenting” show—taped interview with author
Contact: Sally Ann Berk (producer)—510-501-1527

Tuesday, May 6
9-9:30 am “The Parent’s Journal with Bobbi Conner” (Nationally syndicated radio show. Carried by 160 stations, mostly on NPR and the Armed Forces Radio Network.
Taped phone interview with Barbara Pearson
Host: Bobbi Conner
Contact: Madeleine Thomas Producer
To air late August 5. Consult the program website for a station in your area, or for a podcast (after it has aired).

Tuesday, June 10
7-8:00pm EST “The Dad Show”—KAZI-FM ( Austin )—also streams on the internet—Live hour-long phone interview with Barbara Pearson
Host: John Chacon
Contact: Rachel Castillo
512-451-7361 ext. 191
ARCHIVE of Events & Interviews |

Sunday, April 27
Book Launch Book Signing (poster)
2-4:00 pm
Jones Library
43 Amity Street
Amherst, MA 01002
Phone: 413-259-3090
Contact: Tina Swift
Books provided by Amherst Books |

Tuesday, April 29
Book Signing & Reading
7-8:00 pm Odyssey Bookshop
Village Commons
9 College St.
South Hadley , MA 01075
CONTACT: Emily Russo (publicist)

Wednesday, April 30
Book Signing & workshop
El día del los
niños ; El día de los libros
5-6:00 pm
Books & Books
265 Aragon Avenue
Coral Gables , FL 33134
Ph: 305.444.9044 x22
Contact: Emily D. Pardo (
Monday, May 5
Strategies for Bilingual Families
Dinner on Us, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Earthfoods Dining Room
5:30 - 7: 30 pm
All welcome, but new participants, please preregister
Contact: Debra Barrett Glennon,, (413) 545-4466 childcare available

Tuesday, May 20
Panel and Discussion "Helping Our Children Become Bilingual"
with Kathleen Wang, Principal PVCICS
Lissa Pierce, Professor, Leslie College
Barbara Zurer Pearson, UMass Amherst
7 pm
Jones Library, Amherst
Sponsored by the Friends of the Library
Download Poster

Tuesday, April 22
10:45-11:00am EST “The Kids Doctor” 103.7 Lite FM–Dallas/Fort Worth
10 minute live interview with Barbara Pearson with call-ins
Hosts: Dr. Sue Hubbard & Dina Schulz
Show will air Sunday 4/27 between 8:30-9:30 am EST. Interview available as a podcast/online listening on Monday 4/28 by noon
Thursday, April 24
1-2pm “Think” ( Dallas KERA 90.1/KERA 13) Regional NPR
Live hour-long interview with Barbara Pearson w/ call-ins and emails
Contact: Jeff Whittington—producer
3000 Harry Hines Blvd.
Dallas , TX 75201
Monday, April 28
11-11:15am WAMC—“The Roundtable”
(Albany; Regional NPR)
Live Interview Click below to listen (Length 8:17)
Live Interview
Contact: Andy Clegg—518-465-5233 ext. 103
Tuesday, April 29
4:30 - 4:40 pm —“Julio Cesar Comacho Show"
(Radio Union, 1210 AM Miami)
Live Interview
Contact: Sergio Gomez,
9-10 am “ Charlotte Talks with Mike Collins”
(Charlotte, NC WFAE)
Live interview with Barbara Pearson
Contact: Tim Ross (Associate Producer)
704-926-9325 |
OCTOBER 15, 7 pm at the University (Faculty) Club, UMASS AMHERST campus
sponsored by the University Store
Emily Monosson
The Elephant in the Laboratory
Barbara Zurer Pearson
Raising a Bilingual Child